Rental Application

Application process

Residential Housing ApplicationApplications are available at all property rental offices, or you can download the application. Some properties have different applications, so be sure download the one that matches the property you are applying for (see below):

Applications must be returned to the property of interest. If the on-site manager is unavailable or the office is closed, there are drop boxes for your convenience.

The application fee is $25 for each adult 18 years and older. Also, each adult 18 years and older needs to fill out a separate application. We cannot process an application without receiving the fee, and will accept payment in cash, check, or money order.

Please make sure you complete all sections of the application. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Our managers will assist you in the application process. Once you have turned in a completed application to a resident manager, submitted the application fee, you can expect to hear back within 5 business days.

Denial Letters

If you have received a letter denying your application, NeighborWorks® Alaska is generally unable to rent a unit to you.

Application Approval

Applications, once approved, are valid for 90 days. NeighborWorks® Alaska uses the same application form for all of our communities, so generally you do not need to fill out a separate application or pay an additional fee. Some of the communities may require additional information than is included in the standard application. Please contact resident managers for more information.

Once approved, you will be contacted by the resident manager of your property to schedule a move-in date and time. When you arrive for your move-in, your resident manager will review the lease agreement and the house rules, and have you sign these important agreements. You will not be able to move-in unless you have payment for the security deposit and any rent that may be due for the first period of the rental.

Our goal is to get you moved into our communities with ease and comfort! We encourage you to start the process early.

Eligibility Requirements

There are two main areas that we will look at when determining eligibility; income and background. Our guidelines are generally the same for all our communities.


As part of the application process we will get third party verifications on your household’s income. Generally, you will need to make twice the amount of the monthly rent to qualify. We do this so we know you can succeed at renting.

We gladly accept Section 8 vouchers from Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and other voucher programs.

Some of our properties have income limits in order to qualify. These limits are established annually by the federal government. Please contact one of our resident managers for more information and current income limits. If you are over income at one of these properties, we encourage you to look at our other communities!


As part of the application process, we check criminal and credit reports, as well as past landlord references.